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Epoq Alternative

Discover the Game-Changing Epoq Alternative for Modern Solutions

Luigi's Box offers enhanced functionality, streamlined user experience, and unmatched versatility, making it the ultimate choice for those seeking a superior alternative to Epoq.

Luigi's Box vs. Epoq

Breaking down the competition: Luigi's Box vs. Epoq

Explore the comprehensive features comparison table below to uncover the key differentiators between Epoq and Luigi's Box. Discover both smart solutions' superior capabilities and unique offerings, empowering you to make an informed choice for your needs.

Luigi's Box
No-Code Self-Service Integration Easy self-integration without the need for your IT Team.
API Integration Seamless backend integration through API.
Synonyms Suggestions AI‑powered synonyms suggestions for all Latin languages.
Personalization Tailor-made search results, recommendations, and product ranking for each individual customer
Recommender Personalized product recommendations.
Analytics Comprehensive analytics to optimize the performance.
Pin to Position Assign the desired position to the product in the search results.
Product Listing All the perks of advanced ranking in the navigation product list.
AI/Machine Learning AI/ML to personalize the shopping experience.
Voice Search Search for products without the need for typing.
Product Bundles Product suggestion packages based on popular search requests.
Last update: 22/06/2023

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Redefining smart solutions

What makes Luigi's Box special?

With its unmatched performance, cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology, seamless integration, extensive compatibility, and a visionary approach that sets it apart, Luigi's Box is the ultimate choice for improving the customer journey.

Search with autocomplete

Empower visitors with smart search featuring autocomplete, enabling efficient product searches and eliminating wasteful shopping time. Adapts seamlessly to any search query.

Voice search

Enable voice search for seamless interaction, delighting customers, particularly on mobile devices, and offering a convenient and intuitive way to find what they need.

Personalized search results

Enhance customer shopping experience by tracking intent and delivering tailored search results based on past interactions, ensuring relevance and improving the overall shopping experience.

Faceted filters

Our algorithms intelligently determine the most relevant filters for each product category, ensuring your customer base isn't overwhelmed by irrelevant options and facilitating smooth customer experiences.

What to look for

How to pick Epoq alternative?

Discover the essential features you should look for in a fully-fledged alternative to Epoq, including advanced digital technologies, a personalized approach to customer experiences, robust search functionality, intuitive voice search, and robust security and privacy measures.

Advanced search algorithms

The tool should utilize sophisticated search algorithms to deliver relevant and correct search results, enhancing the typical customer’s ability to find desired products. These algorithms go beyond essential keyword matching and incorporate techniques such as natural language processing, machine learning, and ranking algorithms.

Dynamic faceted navigation

The solution should provide dynamic and intuitive filtering options, enabling customers to refine search results based on various attributes and specifications. Narrowing down the products make the search easier, enhances the search and browsing experience, and increases the chance of sales.

Personalized recommendations

The AI-powered recommendation system should suggest relevant products based on customer preferences and browsing behavior, boosting engagement and sales. Help customers discover more products or content and encourage them to buy more.

Search analytics and insights

The tool should give valuable insights into customer search behavior, popular search terms, and trending products, enabling data-driven search experience optimization. Measure your store’s performance and learn more about what your customers want so you can adjust your offering and increase your sale.

Case Studies

Happy customer stories

Read what our satisfied customers say about their experiences with our solution and why every customer trusts us. Discover how Luigi's Box has transformed their businesses and exceeded their expectations.


Recommender CTR

Read Case Study
+ 15%

increase revenue

Read Case Study

search conversion rate

Read Case Study

search conversion rate

Read Case Study

search conversion rate

Read Case Study
+100,000 €

on top of standard yearly revenue

Read Case Study

average conversion rate

Read Case Study

search conversion rate

Read Case Study

search conversion rate

Read Case Study
Logo Dr.Max

conversion rate of selected product segment

Read Case Study
Your perfect match

Why is Luigi’s Box a suitable Epoq alternative?

Discover the exclusive features and benefits that set Luigi’s Box apart as the ideal alternative to Epoq. Experience intelligent search, unparalleled performance, seamless integration, and unmatched versatility.

Advanced Search

Enable customers to find desired products

Luigi’s Box utilizes advanced search function and algorithms to deliver highly accurate and relevant search results, ensuring customers find the products they’re looking for quickly and effortlessly.

In addition, it gives valuable insights with match quality ranking that assesses the accuracy of search results for each product keyword, ranking them higher for relevant matches and lower for irrelevant ones.

Intelligent Recommender

Encourage customers to discover more

With an AI-powered Recommender, Luigi’s Box analyzes customer preferences and behavior to provide personalized product suggestions, boosting engagement and increasing sales.

In addition to showing relevant product suggestions, it provides suggestions for products customers might like or that match the products they have in their cart, those they bought in a previous shopping session, or recently viewed products.

Product Listing

Rank products according to your goals

By leveraging custom logic and key business metrics such as customer interactions, stock levels, margin, and seasonality, Luigi’s Box Product Listings employ a strategic ranking system to provide relevant and accurate recommendations.

This innovative approach ensures that your most valuable products are displayed in higher positions, significantly boosting conversions and driving higher sales.

Comprehensive analytics

Learn what your customers want

Learn more about how customers get to your products and which products they often view. Do they often encounter any problems while searching? Also, find out what products are not performing well and why.

In addition, our analytics collects data from customers’ last visits and uses them to personalize the next one so that they always feel as if your e-shop was created just for them.

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More tools

What's in the box

Luigi's Box Analytics

Gain valuable insights into search queries, identify issues, and optimize them for enhanced search performance.

Luigi's Box Search

Empower visitors with smart search featuring autocomplete, reducing shopping time and effortlessly handling any search query.

Luigi's Box Recommender

Deploy personalized product recommendation boxes across your website to maximize customer engagement and drive higher conversion rates.

Luigi's Box Product Listing

Boost revenue and business goals with personalized product listing pages, intelligently organized to optimize browsing experience.


Frequently asked questions

How does Luigi's Box enhance the shopping experience for customers compared to Epoq?

Luigi’s Box provides features such as advanced search algorithms, dynamic and faceted filtering, personalized product recommendations, and real-time search results, optimizing product discovery and customer journey. Get peace of mind knowing that Luigi’s Box takes care of all your e-commerce search needs.

Can Luigi's Box handle diverse search queries effectively?

Absolutely! Luigi’s Box excels in handling any search query, thanks to its smart search with autocomplete functionality and typo tolerance, assisting visitors in quickly finding the products they are looking for. Boost the relevance of search results with faceted and dynamic filters.

How does Luigi's Box cater to different product categories?

Luigi’s Box employs contextual search, delivering the most relevant results based on product categories. This tailored approach ensures that search results align closely with the specific category, enhancing user experience and relevancy.

How does Luigi's Box compare in terms of mobile-friendliness?

Luigi’s Box is designed to be mobile-friendly and responsive, ensuring a seamless search experience across various devices and screen sizes. It prioritizes usability for mobile shoppers, delivering a smooth and optimized experience.