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Site Search 360 Alternative

Discover a Fresh Approach: Site Search 360 Alternative Unveiled!

Unlock enhanced search experience with Luigi's Box, the compelling alternative to Site Search 360, offering powerful features and seamless integration for efficient and accurate results.

Luigi's Box vs. Site Search 360

Luigi's Box vs. Site Search 360 comparison

Discover how Site Search 360 stacks up against Luigi's Box in this comprehensive features comparison. We break down the key elements, making it easy to choose the perfect search solution for your needs.

Luigi's Box
Site Search 360
No-Code Self-Service Integration Easy self-integration without the need for your IT Team.
API Integration Seamless backend integration through API.
Advances Language Processing Top-notch processing of European languages, including CEE.
Personalization Tailor-made search results, recommendations, and product ranking for each individual customer
Recommender Personalized product recommendations.
Multiplatform Analytics Analytics is compatible with any search engine.
Dynamic filters Filters always relevant to the currently viewed category.
Pin to Position Assign the desired position to the product in the search results.
Product Listing All the perks of advanced ranking in the navigation product list.
Offline A/B Test See the results before going live without any risks.
Last update: 22/06/2023

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Elevate your search game

What makes Luigi’s Box special?

Explore why Luigi's Box stands out as the ultimate AI-powered search engine. From its lightning-fast performance and intuitive interface to its robust customization options and seamless integration, Luigi's Box redefines the search functionality, empowering your business like never before.

Blazing fast search feature

Luigi's Box delivers fast and accurate search results, instantly ensuring users find what they need, enhancing customer service and user experience.

Advanced customization

With Luigi's Box, tailor the search experience to match your brand's unique look and feel, providing a seamless and consistent user interface.

Intelligent ranking algorithms

Benefit from Luigi's Box's sophisticated ranking algorithms prioritizing the most relevant search suggestions, improving user satisfaction and conversion rates.

Seamless integration

Luigi's Box seamlessly integrates with your existing website or e-commerce platform, making implementation quick and hassle-free, with no disruption to your workflow.

Choosing your search tools

How to pick Site Search 360 alternative?

When searching for a worthy alternative to Site Search 360, look for a solution with essential features like robust performance, seamless integration, advanced customization, and intelligent analytics to ensure a seamless transition and enhanced search experience.

High accuracy and relevancy

The search bar should provide relevant search results and be fully optimized for mobile devices, ensuring a seamless search experience across all screen sizes.

Seamless integration

Look for a solution that can be integrated into any platform easily. Whether you have an IT background or not, it is always better to have the possibility of simple and fast integration and save time and money.

Analytics and insights

The alternative should offer comprehensive analytics and insights, providing valuable data on search behavior, popular queries, and user engagement to help optimize your search experience.

Scalability and performance

Choose a solution that can handle increasing search volumes and deliver fast and reliable performance, even during peak traffic, to accommodate your growing business needs.

G2 Ratings

E‑commerce search ratings

Have a look at the usability scores for G2’s E‑commerce search category.

Luigi’s Box
Site Search 360
Meets Requirements
Meets Requirements Luigi’s Box
Responses: 154
Meets Requirements Site Search 360
Responses: 22
Ease of Use
Ease of Use Luigi’s Box
Responses: 155
Ease of Use Site Search 360
Responses: 22
Has the product been a good partner in doing business?
Has the product been a good partner in doing business? Luigi’s Box
Responses: 102
Has the product been a good partner in doing business? Site Search 360
Responses: 18
Case Studies

Hear what our customers have to say

Discover firsthand experiences from our valued customers as they share their testimonials about their journey with us and how our customizable site search services have improved their search experience.


Recommender CTR

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+ 15%

increase revenue

Read Case Study

search conversion rate

Read Case Study

autocomplete conversions

Read Case Study

search conversion rate

Read Case Study

search conversion rate

Read Case Study
+100,000 €

on top of standard yearly revenue

Read Case Study

average conversion rate

Read Case Study

search conversion rate

Read Case Study

search conversion rate

Read Case Study
Logo Dr.Max

conversion rate of selected product segment

Read Case Study
Redefining Search Function

Why is Luigi’s Box a suitable Site Search 360 alternative?

Uncover Luigi’s Box’s unique advantages and advanced features as a Site Search 360 alternative. Luigi’s Box offers a complex product discovery solution, from lightning-fast search to personalized recommendations, advanced filtering, and others.

Enhanced search relevance

Suggest relevant content

Luigi’s Box utilizes advanced algorithms to deliver highly accurate and relevant search results, ensuring users find exactly what they’re looking for with precision.

It leverages machine learning algorithms to extract valuable insights from powerful search data, helping businesses better understand user behavior, trends, and popular search queries.

Dynamic AI-powered recommendations

Increase conversion rates

Luigi’s Box goes beyond traditional search solutions by harnessing the power of intelligent product recommendations.

Luigi’s Box generates personalized suggestions that cater to individual needs by analyzing user behavior, preferences, and purchase history. This tailored approach boosts conversion rates and enhances customer satisfaction, creating a more engaging and profitable digital experience.

Robust natural language processing

Interpret human language

With its robust natural language processing capabilities, Luigi’s Box takes search queries to the next level.

Users can now use natural language expressions in more complex and conversational searches. Luigi’s Box understands context and delivers accurate results, providing relevant content even when faced with incomplete or imprecise inputs.

Advanced filtering and faceted navigation

Give precise control

Luigi’s Box empowers users with many features, such as extensive filtering options and faceted navigation.

Users can easily narrow down search results based on specific attributes like price range, size, or color. The complete control enables users to find products that align with their exact criteria, enhancing the search experience.

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Start unleashing the power of Luigi’s Box today

Transform your search experience with Luigi’s Box and unlock limitless possibilities for your business.

More Tools

What's in the box


Comprehensive analytics that identifies issues with search queries and helps find out how to optimize and improve them for better results.


Smart search with autocomplete helps visitors quickly find the products they are looking for, considerably reducing wasteful shopping time. 


Personalized boxes with product recommendations help raise the average order value and can be placed anywhere on the website.

Product Listing

Personalized product listing pages, organized in a way that enhances browsing experience, supports your business goals and increases revenue.

Contact us and learn more about Luigi’s Box

Fill out the form and ask anything you want about Luigi’s Box. Our experts will reply as soon as they can.


    Frequently asked questions

    Does Luigi's Box provide ongoing customer support?

    Absolutely! At Luigi’s Box, we take pride in our excellent customer support team which is dedicated to providing prompt assistance and resolving any queries or issues you may have.

    How user-friendly is Luigi's Box's search interface?

    Luigi’s Box offers a user-friendly search interface designed to provide a seamless search experience. With intuitive navigation and a clean layout, users can easily find what they need, ensuring a positive interaction with the search functionality.

    What pricing plans does Luigi's Box offer?

    Luigi’s Box offers flexible pricing plans tailored to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes. Whether you’re a small startup or a large enterprise, our pricing options align with your requirements and budget.

    Is Luigi's Box suitable for large organizations?

    Absolutely! Luigi’s Box is a powerful enterprise search software solution that caters to the needs of large organizations. With its robust features, scalability, and customization options, Luigi’s Box is an excellent choice for implementing advanced search capabilities within an enterprise environment.